
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Scam ALERT - Don't trust caller ID

I have subscribed to the Do NOT Call list for years. It's failing. The criminals are always 7 steps ahead.
Today, I received two calls. The caller ID in each case showed the telephone call was calling from a person known to me. One from Wellsville, the other from Allentown. In each instance, the call was a recorded voice. The first call said it was responding to my interest in a back massage machine that I saw on TV. Push 2 to be removed from the list. When I pushed #2, I was immediately connected to a con artist criminal. The second call was advising me I could have my debt eliminated.
I rarely answer the phone, but the caller ID spoof showed a trusted number.
My best advice...never answer any telephone again. If it truly is urgent, a message will be left.
Elected officials...really want my support...come down hard on the scammers. It's easy now for me to see why the elderly are easy victims. The phone rings, the ID shows a friend, they answer and BAM...con artist. I'm so disgusted.