
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Absentee ballots won't change Andover election UPDATED

When the polls closed Tuesday night, incumbent Andover Mayor David Truax had a four vote margin over write-in challenger Matt Zengerle. Officials said this morning there are still some absentee ballots out there, but they won't be counted. Andover Village Clerk Maria Wood confirmed this morning that all absentee ballots had to physically be received by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Wood said she confirmed that with the Board of Elections. Wood said she even went to the post office several times on Election Day just to check if there were any arrivals.  As a result, Wood will certify Truax as the winner in the race for mayor. She said the winners must be notified by March 24th and they have 30 days to sign the oath of office, making it final. What happens to any absentee ballots that arrive(d) after Tuesday? "They get destroyed," said Wood. We asked, you won't open them...just to see? She replied with a firm "no!"
UPDATED 3/24/17: We were just notified by Andover Village Clerk Maria Wood, who advised us of a slight change. Wood updated us that the absentee ballots that arrived after 4:30 p.m. March 21st will not be destroyed. They must be stored, unopened, for two years.