
Monday, May 11, 2020

Five officers have given their lives to serve and protect the citizens of Allegany County

May 11, 2020
In 1962 President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that day falls as Police Week. In celebration of National Police Week, I’d like to encourage everyone to take the time to recognize our local law enforcement officers. Give them a pat on the back and thank them for the selfless jobs they do for our community each day. They face many unknown risks and challenges and their sacrifice and service is often taken for granted.

Last year in the United States, a total of 89 officers lost their lives in the line of duty, 83 men and 6 women, with an average age of 40 and average tour of duty of 13 years. Twenty-five of these deaths were in New York State. So far in 2020 there have been 61 line of duty deaths, 51 men and 10 women, with an average age of 42.
A total of five officers have given their lives to serve and protect the citizens of Allegany County.
Constable Norman Chalker was shot and beaten to death in the Town of Belfast on April 20, 1910.
New York State Troopers Robert Roy and Arnold Rasmussen were shot and killed in the Town of Caneadea on September 27, 1927 while trying to serve a warrant for Pettit Larceny that involved the theft of $6.48 worth of auto parts.
Allegany County Sheriff’s Deputy Derek P. Ward died on July 3, 2004 from injuries sustained the previous day when his patrol car was struck by another motorist and Corrections Officer Daniel J. Barkley died of a heart attack, July 14, 2013, while on duty at the Allegany County Jail.
These men made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and serve the citizens of Allegany County. Our Memorial at the Public Safety Facility reminds all who visit there of the sacrifices made on our behalf, it honors the survivors of those who made that ultimate sacrifice and will promote appreciation and respect for law enforcement, regardless of agency affiliation.
In closing, I urge you to show your support and let a deputy, trooper, police officer, conservation officer or corrections officer know just how much their work means to you.

Thank you.