
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wellsville: The Fassett Greenspace becomes handicap accessible

WELLSVILLE - As of early November, The Fassett GreenSpace Project is officially an ADA-compliant, accessible outdoor public garden for all residents. Thanks to outside funding, The Fassett GreenSpace finally has a solid 'floor' and is truly accessible to the community. Board President, Cassandra Bull, spent over six months searching and applying to grants that would fund the installation of brick pavers in GreenSpace. After receiving eleven rejection letters, Art for Rural America's board had heard the question "who would want to pay for a bunch of bricks?" too many times. The group stayed determined for their cause, and was awarded full funding for this project in May of 2019.
Greg Carlin, Wellsville resident and mason with 30 years of experience, was contracted to start installing the pavers in late September. In a little over a month, Carlin finished laying over 14,000 bricks between the walls of the garden labyrinth, covering 2,750 square feet of pathway. “Greg was absolutely fantastic to work with through this process” says Bull, "You can tell he is an expert in his craft. He was thorough, thoughtful, and professional. The installation took place quickly and without a single headache, which I have found to be extremely rare in construction projects."
This grant was given by the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation's Design and Access Legacy Funds, administered through the Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo. Design and Access funds help “increase the health and quality of life of WNY residents of all ages by enhancing outdoor activities within the region,” according to their website. This is the second time the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation helped support the Fassett GreenSpace Project. The first grant, in partnership with KaBOOM!, funded the procurement and installation of the Outdoor Musical Instruments featured in the garden. The new grant also allowed for the construction of an informational kiosk which now houses a community-made mosaic sign.
The Fassett GreenSpace now showcases permeable brick pavers made by Whitacre Greer in Ohio. These are the same pavers that are installed in Alfred State College’s Wellsville Campus at their Zero Energy Demonstration home. The pavers are an especially interesting design, as they create a passive water filtration system in which natural microbes form within the gravel and clean the water as it flows through. These bricks took Whitacre Greer four months to make for the Fassett GreenSpace, and are well worth the wait. Thanks to all involved, the Fassett GreenSpace is now open for those with wheelchairs, strollers, or scooters. For more information about the project, follow The Fassett GreenSpace project on Facebook or visit their website or email For more information on Greg Carlin, call 585-808-6436 or email