
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Allegany County Kicks-Off Branding Initiative

WELLSVILLE –Allegany County officials were left with a lot to consider after destination expert and ‘New York Sherpa,’ Josiah Brown’s, visit to Allegany County in December 2018.  From discussing Allegany County’s “purple cows” to identifying the brand confusion around the word ‘Allegany,’ stakeholders came away hopeful about the county’s future prospects, resolved to promote the county’s unique assets, and convinced that there is much to be gained by developing a united, integrated Allegany County brand. 
On Monday, April 22, Brown will return to Allegany County to address the What, Why, and How of Creating Allegany County’s brand in a 4:30 p.m. presentation at the David A. Howe Library.   The presentation is open to the public and will be an introduction to Allegany County’s re-branding process. 
“We’ll cover the definition of a destination brand, why the destination re-branding process is essential and how it works, and most importantly, how everyone is involved in this process,” said Brown.
“Whether you’re a resident, business owner, student, or professional in Allegany County, your input is going to be important in this re-branding process,” said Angela McKay, Assistant Director of Economic Development and Planning.  “We hope to pinpoint what Allegany County means to each of us and discover which elements rise to the top to form the basis of our county-wide brand.  This session with Josiah will bring greater understanding about the branding process to our community and hopefully cultivate support and enthusiasm to be involved among our stakeholders.”
If you wish to attend, RSVPs are appreciated but not required – please contact Angela McKay at 585-268-7447.