WELLSVILLE, NY –To help bolster the blood supply, an emergency blood drive will be held on Monday, Jan. 15 from 1-5 p.m. at the Wellsville Ambulance Building located at 37 S. Main Street.
“When temperatures drop, so do the number of blood donations,” says Lora Cope, Community Blood Bank mobile drive coordinator. “This month donations were impacted by winter weather. We have scheduled this emergency drive to help the blood supply rebound.”
Record snowfall amounts and low temperatures have impacted regions that the Community Bank serves. While Mother Nature wreaks havoc on the blood supply, hospitals are still in need of live saving donations.
“It is our priority to ensure that our partner hospitals get the blood they need, but we need the community’s help,” says Cope. “We hope to see everyone who can donate stop by the Wellsville Ambulance Building on Monday.”
Individuals are eligible to give blood if it has been 56 days since their last donation; they are at least 17 years of age (16 with parental consent); weigh at least 110 pounds; have not received a tattoo or body piercing in the past 12 months; are in good general health and do not have a cold or the flu. Donors must have a valid photo ID in order to register. Prior to donating, those giving blood should eat a good, solid meal and drink at least 18 oz. of water.
For more information on existing drives or to host a drive call, 570-789-4026 or visit fourhearts.org.