
Friday, April 10, 2020

Wellsville resident vents over Village of Wellsville public hearing

I’ve just read where the village of Wellsville has scheduled a public hearing on the village budget on April 13th.
In good conscience, considering social distancing and the prohibition of assembling in groups of more than 10, how can the board do this?
1.    Are they just being vengeful and stupid because the order came from the desk of our Democrat Governor?
2.    Do they just not care that they are usurping citizens rights by holding the hearing that most will not come to because of the coronavirus guidelines?
3.    Have they even made the effort to have their meeting live streamed by say, Genesee Valley Media?
4.    Or do they just intend to pass their budget, as in the past, after the hearing is closed?
As a long-time resident of Wellsville, I find this action unconscionable and taking advantage of the situation without regard for the people they govern.
Why are they even gathering for meetings at this time? They should Live Stream the meeting allowing for comment or put off the passing of the budget until a time when people can safely gather to comment on it.
A Concerned Citizen
Verified village of Wellsville resident