
Friday, April 10, 2020

Letter: Andover Central celebrates "Unsung Heroes"

Submitted by Andover Central School District
ANDOVER - Since having to leave the physical building of our school district, several faculty and staff members have risen up to face this new challenge of reaching our students!  Andover Central School District would like to take moment to share with you the amazing things that are continually happening from our unsung heroes.  Our cafeteria manager and staff have not missed a day allocating meals to our students.  Every day breakfast and lunch are delivered to our students, along with their siblings, who may not be currently enrolled in Andover CSD.  Our bus drivers have delivered every student an iPad or laptop, curriculum and materials (i.e. NYS module workbooks) as well as their meals and belongings that were left in their lockers or at school.  They are driving and delivering meals every day for our students.  Another department that has not stopped are our cleaners and custodians.  Together they collected and labeled student belongings, cleared out lockers and continue to sanitize the building daily.  Our 21st Century Grant program director and assistant director have worked hard to hand out our back-pack program weekend food for our students, they have posted STEM activities to our various media sources for students and families to do together in the comforts of their home, and they continue to collect donations from our Umbrella Project at a local business for hygiene products that our student’s need.  Our support staff also continues to reach out to students and make connections stronger as well as doing mental health check-ins.  The Special Education department strives to maintain their amazing services that provide our special education students daily as well as continuing CSE meetings.  Our teachers have been tasked with instructing remotely from their homes and making sure that the continuity of learning is happening daily.  Our teachers are delivering their curriculum electronically, through email, google classrooms, Zoom meetings, etc.…In closing, Andover CSD would like to recognize, Jennifer Joyce, our District Treasurer, Jon Morris, our Principal, Kathryn Slavinski, our Director or Curriculum, Instruction and Assistant Superintendent and Lawrence Spangenburg, our Superintendent who have kept timeless hours reviewing state documents, laws and regulations and collaborating with fellow colleagues as well as NYSED to drive district decisions.  Mrs. Joyce has played a crucial role in organizing all of the above department celebrations.  Andover CSD is panther strong and continues to be the “Best small school district in America!”