
Saturday, November 16, 2019

Meeting minutes - Allegany County Public Safety Committee - November 6, 2019


November 6, 2019

Members Present: D. Healy, W. Dibble, B. Harris, S. Havey, J. Hopkins (absent D. Decker).

Other Present: G. Barnes, A. Bigelow, J. Burdick, P. Curran, M. Evans, D. Fanton, K. Graves, G. Green, R. Hall, C. Ivers, B. Kelly, C. Knapp, J., S. Lanphier, D. Marsh, K. Monroe, B. Perkins, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, D. Root, D. Roberts, K. Slep, R. Starks, P. Stockin, R. Swarthout, B. VanHousen.

Media Present: C. Potter, The Spectator

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Public Safety Committee Chairman Dwight "Mike" Healy.  

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Havey, and carried to approve the Public Safety Committee minutes for October 2, 2019.
PUBLIC DEFENDER  Public Defender Barbara Kelley attended the meeting and submitted her monthly report to the committee for review.  Re-Appropriation of Grant Money  Public Defender Barbara Kelley requested a resolution to re-appropriate unspent funds in 2018 for the Allegany County Counsel at First Appearance Grant. Approval to apply for the grant was authorized by Resolution No. 24-17, and the funds were accepted by Resolution No. 125-17. The grant was supposed to begin in January 2017; however, that contract was not approved until March 2019. The funds should be re-appropriated as follows:

Appropriations ($36,590)

A 1173-1.01 Regular Pay $ 9,990

A 1173-1.02 Holiday Pay $ 4

A 1173-1.05 Vacation Pay $ 3

A 1173-1.06 Sick Pay $ 3

A 1173-2.01 Equipment $ 4,800

A 1173-4.02 Mileage $ 3,285

A 1173-4.05 Conference $ 1,655

A 1173-4.09 Fees $ 1,600

A 1173-4.16 Cent Serv Telephone $ 870

A 1173-8.02 Retirement $ 2,820

A 1173-8.03 FICA $ 1,345

A 1173-8.04 Workers Comp $ 330

A 1173-8.05 Disability $ 75

A 1173-8.06 Hosp/Med Ins $ 9,810

Revenue ($36,590)

A 1173.3089.FAG State Aid Other – First Appearance Grant $ 36.590
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Harris, and carried. Refer to Ways & Means.

Emergency Management & Fire Assistant Director Bonnie VanHousen attended the meeting for Director Jeff Luckey who was in a training and submitted the monthly report to the committee for review. Ms. VanHousen briefly highlighted events and meetings that were attended in October. Ms. VanHousen also stated that they are settling into their new office nicely.  Dispatching  Chairman Healy asked if the dispatching issues were cleared up with the Town of Cuba. Ms. VanHousen stated that they met with the Town of Cuba, and it was discovered that both the law enforcement and ambulance were being dispatched simultaneously because there were two different dispatchers working at the same time. This was discussed and the issues are now taken care of.
STOP-DWI  STOP-DWI Coordinator Brian Perkins attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Perkins briefly highlighted events he attended in the month of October.
SADD  Mr. Perkins reminded all that the SADD presentation is this Friday, November 8, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Genesee Valley School. The main message of this event will be on seatbelt use and distracted driving, with an afternoon session on the hazards of vaping. Judge Shannon Filbert from West Seneca will be the keynote speaker. Chairman Healy stated that although he would not be able to attend, Public Safety Committe Vice Chairman William Dibble will be in attendance on Friday.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY  District Attorney Keith Slep attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review. Mr. Slep briefly highlighted his report for the month of October.
PROBATION DEPARTMENT  Probation Director Robert Starks attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.  Ignition Interlock Device Monitoring Program  Mr. Starks is requesting a resolution to accept the funds from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee for the Ignition Interlock Device Monitoring Program in the amount of $3,289.65.
These funds are already in their 2019-20 budget under the following budget line items:


Appropriations A3140.104 Regular Probation Personnel

Revenues A3140.3310.07 Ignition Interlock
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Harris, and carried. Prepare Resolution.

Weights and Measures Director Gilbert Green attended the meeting and submitted his monthly report to the committee for review.  SHERIFF’S OFFICE
Undersheriff Kevin Monroe attended the meeting and submitted his monthly reports to the committee for review. Mr. Monroe stated that the Sheriff’s Office sponsored a Trunk-or-Treat event. It was very well attended, and he thanked all of the departments and agencies that were involved to help make the event a success.
Radio/Tower Project Update
Radio Technician Matt Evans stated that Skyway Communications delivered equipment to seven tower sights. On December 4, Motorola will be here to do all of the electric updates. Chairman Healy asked if the 14 towers will be sufficient for our County. Mr. Evans stated that he thinks there may be a need for one or more towers but will not be sure until all towers are up and running.  911 Enumeration Project  911 Dispatcher Russ Hall gave some statistics about NG911. He stated that about 38 percent of the Country has begun to work with NG911 according to Mr. Hall also stated that we are doing well in comparison to other areas. Mr. Hall also stated that communication with the Towns is really great; they are being very cooperative and helpful. The estimated end date for the initial conversion to NG911 is about two years.  Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Dibble, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Roberts, Senior Account Clerk Typist

Allegany County Board of Legislators