
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Robert Warboys running for Alma Town Board

My name is Robert Warboys.  I was a councilman for the Town of Alma years ago, I currently hold that position and am looking for your vote as a write-in candidate for that same position. I am a long-time resident of the town of Alma since 1976. I have been married for 41 years, a father of three, with 8 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren.  I am a proud member of SCOPE and the NRA.; A member of the Petrolia Fire Department and a fireman of over 50 years.  I see what is happening in our small community and I want the opportunity to continue to represent this town, and see things fixed.  We need to start to come together, work hard for our town, and as a community.  On Tuesday, November 5th, vote on line 11 or 12 “R. Warboys.” I would appreciate your vote.