
Sunday, September 1, 2019

GoFundMe effort launched for Harris family in Wellsville

Brenda Hays is organizing this fundraiser.
Brandon, Shelby, and baby boy Mason Harris are at the Ronald McDonald House & Golisano Children’s Hospital in the NICU, after the emergency C section  birth of their infant son who was born at 28 weeks old.  Mason is a tough little fighter at 1lb 15oz, but this family will be in for some long days and weeks, possibly even months waiting for Mason to grow enough to take him home.
Shelby is recovering well from her emergency surgery, but of course Brandon has had to be off of work to be with his wife and new baby boy!  Any and all help and prayers are welcome to help this young couple and their new baby.
Expenses are sure to mount as they make countless trips from Wellsville to Rochester, having to spend a lot of money on travel as well as having to pay for all meals away from home.
Please consider donating to this young couple and their newborn as he (prayerfully) grows and strengthens every passing day!! Click here to help.