
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Wellsville Lions Club Monthly contributions to the community

Courtesy of Ed Tezak, PR Wellsville Lions Club The Wellsville Lions Club is dedicated to serve the greater Wellsville Community in keeping with Our Motto: “We Serve.”  One of the ways we do this is through donations in response to requests.  If anybody is in need of our services or financial help, please contact any Lions Club member or visit us on Facebook.

The following is a list of funds made available to the community by the Wellsville Lions Club in the month of May. 
5/8/19: $300 donation to Ridgewalk to sponsor an aid station from the Health & Welfare committee.
5/8/19: $700 payment to the Hearing Aid Shop to assist in the purchase of hearing aids for an individual from the Speech & Hearing committee.
5/8/19: $164.50 donation to Jones Memorial Hospital to purchase a basket to be used in a raffle from the Civic Improvement committee.
5/16/19: $100 donation to the Wellsville Moose Club to support a scholarship from the Civic Improvement committee.
5/16/19: $200 donation to the Wellsville Rotary Club to help purchase back-to-school supplies from the Youth Activities committee.
5/16/19: $1,000 payment to David Graham for scholarship payment 1 of 2 from the Scholarship committee.
5/17/19: $2,800 payment to the Ocular Restoration Clinic for a prosthetic eye replacement from the Sight Conservation committee.
5/17/19: $295.84 payment to Bay City Ortho Care for specialized diabetic footwear for an individual from the Diabetes Awareness committee.
5/31/19: $100 donation to the Elks Club to sponsor a hole in their golf tournament from the Civic Improvement committee.
Also at the May 16th dinner meeting, Lion Don Careless presented a check to Anna Leese to help with the purchase of a prosthetic eye. Anna is shown below with her mother and her seeing eye dog.