
Monday, May 13, 2019

Wellsville: Village taxes dip, some fees increase

The recently adopted Village of Wellsville budget includes a slight tax decrease. However, Village Trustee's Monday evening did vote to hike some other costs. The board approved, effective June 1st, to:
  1. Increase sewer rates 6%
  2. Increase refuse collection costs by $1 (Trustee Cole abstained).
  3. Create a code enforcement fee of $50 per permit for each new fending application.
In other action, the village board:
  1. Approved Jeremy Dahlgren and Tim Aiken to three year terms on the planning board.
  2. Approved the Evening Under the Stars and fireworks for June 15th.
Town Supervisor Shad Alsworth also said "we have concerns" with the initial 23 North drawings. 23 North is the former Burrous building under development on North main Street. The village will occupy the lower level - the town has not yet committed. The Mayor indicated he also had concerns with the drawings.