
Monday, April 8, 2019

Wellsville resident upset with Jake brake use in village

Craig LaMonaca address the village board
A Wellsville resident urged the village board tonight to make use of Local law #4 of 2016. That village legislation deals with excessive noise. Craig LaMonaca appeared before trustees asking them to help put an end to the use of Jake brakes on the Genesee Parkway. LaMonoca wants signs erected along the Parkway prohibiting the use of Jakes brakes, especially near the hospital (A Jake brake is an engine braking mechanism installed on some diesel engines. When activated, it opens exhaust valves in the cylinders after the compression stroke, releasing the compressed gas trapped in the cylinders, and slowing the vehicle). The village resident did his research. He contacted the Department of Transportation (DOT) which said he needed to begin with a request to the village. The DOT has the final say. "My question is, is it an issue? Is anyone disturbed...or are we just buying signs." said mayor Randy Shayler. LaMonaca, who lives on North Brooklyn Avenue at Chamberlain Street, said he was bothered by the noise, saying "it's not necessary."
After some more discussion, the mayor said the village would investigate the issue.