
Monday, April 15, 2019

Bath, North Corning firefighters train for swift water rescue

Nine members of the Bath Volunteer Fire Department and three members of the North Corning Fire Department all spent Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday in training taking “Emergency Boat Operations and Rescue” from two instructors from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boating Commission. The training is additional training for members of the Swift Water Rescue Team to advance their skills in boat operations during a flood and fast moving water.
The instruction started out with classroom instruction from the basics of boat terminology and navigation, to how to read river currents, look for hidden obstructions, and the right way to approach someone trapped in fast moving water for rescue.
The class then moved outdoors to nearby Keuka Lake to go over basic boat handling, how to roll over a capsized boat and getting a conscious and also disable persons into a rescue boat from the water.
This all lead up to training in the river in moving water. Each member had to display their skills they had learned over the weekend in how to hold their craft steady in a current, look for obstructions, run downstream and rapidly turn into and eddy and approach a victim safely. Skillsets in paddling were also put to the test both with and against the current. There was also a written exam which has to be passed as well. When the exams are checked and the certifications come back, each member will have a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) certification.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Conrad Sr.
Public Information Officer
The Bath Volunteer Fire Dept.