
Thursday, December 14, 2017

RELEASE: Representative Tom Reed Must Address Questions from Constituents on Medicare Cuts

Press Release from candidate Eddie Sundquist:
This week, Congressional Republicans have worked to cut a deal on a tax plan that will lower taxes on the rich and increase the burden on the people of New York. In order to pay for these cuts, Tom Reed and the rest of the GOP is looking to cuts to Medicare in order to pay for it.

Reports say these cuts to Medicare could be up to $25 billion per year. Beyond the $25 Billion that could be cut from Medicare under the tax bill being considered, House Speaker Paul Ryan has said in an interview this month that his targets for cuts in 2018 are Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. The most recent estimates show that over 3.3 million New Yorkers rely on Medicare.

Representative Tom Reed will be holding three town halls this weekend to address constituents, and needs to face questions on these cuts to New York families.

In response, Democrat Eddie Sundquist released the following statement:

"Unfortunately, it has become clear that Tom Reed and Republicans in Congress are willing to turn their backs on their constituents in order to pay for a cut to the wealthiest Americans.

Medicare provides critical services to families here in the Southern Tier & Finger Lakes region, and without it, many would go without the essential healthcare they need to live healthy lives. I urge Congressman Reed to reconsider his position and promise if cuts to Medicare are in the final bill, he will vote no. I will be attending Rep. Reed's town halls on Saturday to ask him to do the right thing."

Tax bill could trigger historic spending cuts

Washington Post
Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare, Medicaid Spending in 2018

Kaiser Family Foundation
Total Number of Medicare Beneficiaries (by state)

Click here for a headshot of Eddie Sundquist.