
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Allegany County Budget Committee meeting minutes - Aug. 16

August 16, 2017
Committee Members Present: C. Crandall, K. LaForge, P. Curran, D. Fanton, D. Healy, D. Root, P. Stockin
Others Present: L. Ballengee, D. Decker, M. Gasdik, V. Grant, K. Graves, D. Horan, K. Hollis, R. Hollis, J. Hopkins, G. James, J. Kelley, C. Knapp, Y. Marks, T. Miner, D. Rahr, B. Riehle, M. Washer, R. Whitney
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 11:06 a.m. by Budget Committee Chairman Curt Crandall.
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Legislator Stockin, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried to approve the Budget Committee minutes of July 19, 2017.
Sales Tax Report
Deputy County Treasurer Jenna Kelley distributed the 2017 Allegany County Sales Tax Report reflecting receipts through August 14, 2017, totaling $11,726,690.40. The year-to-date figures show an increase of $680,730.13 or 6.163 percent more compared to last year at this time.
Gasoline Prices
Deputy County Treasurer Jenna Kelley distributed a Motor Fuel Sales Tax report for the quarter ending June 2017 stating we are up 27 percent compared to last year. Legislator LaForge stated one thing that helped us is about a year and a half ago, Pennsylvania put in a significant gas fuel increase which stopped people going over the state line for their gas.
Semi-Annual Budget Reports
Office for the Aging
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik attended the meeting and submitted her semi-annual budget report to the committee for review. Ms. Gasdik stated everything is on track, and they will have some savings in their personnel accounts. They received a resignation and do not plan to fill the position until 2018 when they will know if the funding is coming from the state. Legislator Healy asked what the position was. Ms. Gasdik stated it was their Community Services employee. Chairman Crandall asked if our return has increased or decreased over the years. Ms. Gasdik stated it has increased by the fact that they receive more aid. Chairman Crandall asked if they are receiving their revenues on a regular basis. Ms. Gasdik stated they have not had any issues yet, adding that Accountant Vicki Pettit is very good at keeping on top of them. Legislator Graves asked if they anticipate any bumps in the road. Ms. Gasdik stated only if they get an increase in meal requests for both center and home-delivered.

Health Department
Public Health Director Lori Ballengee attended the meeting and submitted her semi-annual budget report to the committee for review. Ms. Ballengee thanked accountant Dave Rahr for all of his work stating he does a great job with their budgets. Ms. Ballengee stated currently their Pre-K revenues show a $221,474 deficit; however, sometimes reimbursement can take several years, and in the last month and a half, they have almost received all of it. Chairman Crandall asked if they expect a lag with any other reimbursements coming in. Ms. Ballengee stated, no, it’s just timing, and she’s not worried about them. Legislator Graves asked if they anticipate any bumps in the road. Ms. Ballengee stated, no, they are running consistent with their grant funding, adding they will also be receiving some performance incentive funds, but is unsure of the amount.

Public Works
Public Works Superintendent Guy James attended the meeting and submitted his semi-annual budget report to the committee for review. Mr. James thanked Fiscal Manager Yvonne Marks for all of her work, stating her diligence is what keeps them on track. Mr. James stated that at this point in time the County Road Fund revenues are very low; however, they have not received reimbursement yet for some paving that was done. Mr. James stated they are doing well with appropriations, and everything looks good. The committee discussed the current status as well as future plans for the Historical Bridge in Caneadea and the Lattice Bridge in the Town of Hume.

Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Whitney attended the meeting and submitted his semi-annual budget report to the committee for review. Sheriff Whitney stated they will be pretty close by the end of the year, adding that he is concerned about their over-time and medical expense accounts because this summer has had a terrible influx of inmates that are severely mentally ill, or drug users, and they have had to be taken to the hospital for what ends up being a two-day stay. Sheriff Whitney continued they have also had a couple of pregnant females that have needed to be transported several times, but the Jail staff does a great job at getting these individuals out and into different housing. Chairman Crandall asked if there are any changes coming in federal housing. Sheriff Whitney stated he was told by the District Attorney, who was informed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that they are building a new facility and weren’t going to house anymore; however, Sheriff Whitney has not heard this from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Even if they are taking this route, it will be three to four years down the road.

Social Services
Social Services Commissioner Vicki Grant attended the meeting and submitted her semi-annual budget report to the committee for review. Ms. Grant stated that payroll is slightly down due to the amount of turnover, but they are close to being back to full staff. Ms. Grant stated their daycare, TANF, and foster care numbers are down slightly the first part of the year, but that does not mean they will stay that way. Ms. Grant stated they still have several revenues that have not been received yet, and they are doing very well, adding that Accountant Don Horan does a great job keeping up with the budgets.

Respectfully submitted,
Meghan Washer, Secretary to the Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators