
Thursday, June 1, 2017

Opinion: Scio manslaughter case-Press needs to control social media comments

Two Allegany County families are hurting today. The family of a man who suffered fatal injuries after being struck by a car in Scio during the early morning hours on Memorial Day. Then there is the suspect, charged with manslaughter and based on press reports, is feeling rather poorly today...with cause.
I write this piece with hesitation. I generally respect the Daily Reporter and its staff. Heck, we have shared photo's, story notes and more.
In full disclosure, I'm not a fan of Facebook. It began with purpose and has turned into a site where people can just spew awful comments. I know, 1st Amendment, blah, blah. But media outlets have a responsibility. Providing factually based stories is their job, social media comments is a choice.
The Daily Reporter Facebook comments on the manslaughter case are, well, bad. Using foul, crude language - please.
I've tossed and turned over the comment issue on this site. In general, I allow them, but I do moderate and edit those comments. Foul language comments get tossed. Anything that could get me sued, gets tossed. If you want a total expressive site, then I guess, start your own blog.
Here's the thing...some of the comments included foul-mouthed language, were without regard to facts and inappropriate. I'll let the lawyers and a judge determine the facts. Until then, everything is merely an allegation.
Yes, readers can have thoughts, but having  a thought and having it printed/posted are different issues. The Daily Reporter has been around for a very long time, and it constantly works to be relevant in the new digital age. That's fine. But it shouldn't become a tabloid publication. It should hold on to its dignity. Civil discourse...that's all I hope for.