
Friday, April 7, 2017

Potter County: Liftoff Event Planned For Vets’ Gravestone Project

An ambitious mission to clean and restore grave markers for hundreds of military veterans buried in Potter County is scheduled for liftoff on Saturday, May 13. Potter County’s Veterans Service Committee (Bill Simpson, Paul Heimel and Dawn Wooster), which is spearheading the project, has partnered with Eulalia Cemetery for a pilot project. After a brief kickoff ceremony at 9 a.m. on May 3, volunteers will fan out across the cemetery to clean the gravestones of designated military veterans. More details will be announced. Those interested in joining the work bee on May 3 should contact Eulalia Cemetery board president Steve Erway (
This is just the start of a countywide project that will continue for many years. Several cemetery managers, community leaders and other volunteers have already signed up. Regular updates on the Potter County Veterans Gravestone Restoration Project are being disseminated by email. Anyone interested in being added to the mailing list should contact Dawn Wooster at or 814-274-8290, extension 207.
Potter County Today