This includes over $1.5 billion in grants for water infrastructure improvements and creates a $75 million rebate program to give homeowners and small businesses an incentive to replace and upgrade aging septic systems. In addition to traditional infrastructure, funds are also available for 'green' infrastructure, with $110 million dedicated for source water protection initiatives, including land acquisition.
"Clean water is an issue of paramount national importance, and New York is once again leading the nation with this bold investment to strengthen the infrastructure of our water systems and protect the long-term health, sustainability and economic vitality of communities across the state," Governor Cuomo said. "This funding will provide New York’s cities, towns and villages with modernized, sustainable water systems – protecting our precious resources and securing a healthier future for all New Yorkers."
The Governor also announced that municipalities can now apply for $255 million in grants for drinking water and clean water infrastructure projects through the established NYS Water Grant Program and new Intermunicipal Grant Program, funded though the Clean Water Infrastructure Act. Applications and additional information are now available here and must be submitted along with any required supporting documentation to: NYSWaterGrants@efc.ny.gv
by 5:00 p.m. on June 23, 2017.