
Friday, May 17, 2024

Wellsville Town Supervisor reflects on death of former Councilman

Shad Alsworth statement:

"Having reflected on my time with Gary I continue to come back to one word…..exceptional.  Gary served the citizens of Wellsville as a council member and then Airport Committee member for more than two decades.  He was the most careful listener I have ever encountered and only offered to the conversation when he had something productive and meaningful to say.  This was my first indication and understanding of his “off-the-charts” intelligence.  Getting to know Gary over the years brought a greater understanding of his vast knowledge and curiosity for countless subject matters.  It seemed that regardless of the topic, Gary knew more than everyone else in the room (and enough intelligence to not pretend to know if he didn’t).  Gary was an accomplished inventor/entrepreneur and was a key founding member of PM Research here in Wellsville.  Gary owned and operated multiple different airplanes over the years and often had the most “unique” planes in the hanger.  His passion for aviation led him to purchase the former Palmer facilities at the Wellsville Municipal Airport (recently purchased by the Town of Wellsville) and served as an Airport Committee member to ensure the success of the airport he cherished.  Gary was always well presented and had the most perfectly trimmed and maintained “Santa beard” one can imagine.  I always thought his well manicured appearance was part of his gentle charm.  He was a great asset to the Wellsville Community in many ways but most importantly as a role model “family man”.  With all his accomplishments and service to community, the part of Gary’s personality I most admired was his dedication to his wife and his love and compassion for his children.  He will be sorely missed."