
Monday, November 11, 2019

Andover teen Leah McCormick crowned JMH Gala Queen

Saturday night the Wellsville Country Club was festooned with Christmas candy decorations on the tables and hanging from the chandeliers. It was an exciting night as members of the Jones Memorial Auxiliary who organized the event and the hospital staff waited with bated breath to learn just how much the six youths vying for the JMH Gala Crown raised through ticket sales for the Grand Raffle.
In total the six contestants raised a total of $8,526 in ticket sales for the Grand Raffle.
Andover teen Leah McCormick was crowned JMH Gala Queen. The daughter of Paul and Tammy McCormick. She represented the Olive Twig/Business and Professional Woman’s Club and sold the most tickets.
Sam Schmitt of Wellsville, the son of Tessa Levitt and Andrew Schmidt represented Bea Sigma Phi Sorority was the First Runner Up.
Second Runner up was Avery Grusendorf, of Angelica, the daughter of Shawn and Holly Grusendorf who represented the Lilac Twig.
Jones Memorial Hospital CEO Eva Benedict commented, “Jones Memorial Hospital is incredibly fortunate to have young members of our community dedicated to ensuring the success of a quality healthcare system. They and their families generously give their time to benefit our local hospital. We are incredibly fortunate and grateful for their support.”
The winners of the Grand Raffle are Wellsville Mayor Randy Shayler who won $500, Nancy Levitt who won $300 and Mary Benz who won $200.

The total raised by the 2019 JMH Hospital Auxiliary Gala has not yet been determined.