
Monday, September 2, 2019

Allegany County: Public Health Director seeks to create and fill Deputy position

Allegany County Public Health Director Lori Ballengee will ask a legislative committee this week to create and allow her to fill the position of Deputy Director. The position was abolished four years ago. Here is her request:

I am requesting the ability to Create and Fill a Full Time Deputy Public Health Director. I abolished this position about 4 years ago when the person holding the position retired. There was only one employee that met the qualifications at the time to hold the position and she was retiring. It is a hardship as there is no one that can act on my behalf or sign documents in my absence and I also took on direct supervision of all of the managerial staff and their programs. This position has the
Environmental Health Division supervision built in so the funding I have of $58,830 is that current Director salary. This position is 100% reimbursable through Article 6 and other grant funds.
The committee of Jurisdiction is Human Services. That committee will review the request when it meets September 4th.