
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Alma resident frustrated with town board

Letter to the Editor:
Tuesday night’s (Alma) town board meeting was even more egregious than the last! The town board voted to move $10,000 from the $15,000 contingency fund to apply towards attorney fees. Then they would not read the bills to be paid; out loud; as they have done in the past, I believe that this may be to keep the legal fees they are running up from being known by the taxpayers of Alma. One man spoke up and stated that he was a town of Alma taxpayer and wanted to know how our tax dollars were being spent. The town supervisor refused stating that the towns of Wirt and Wellsville don't read they're bills aloud, and the State wants it handled that way! The town board supervisor then stated that the meeting was for town board; insinuating that the town board has no responsibility to its citizens?  With the trouble between the town board and so many of Alma's taxpayers this only makes things so much worse! What have they got to hide? How much longer will this insanity continue? They're job is to protect and serve our town... that's what they were elected to do!
Laura Shields, Alma resident in total disbelief