
Monday, April 1, 2019

Bolivar-Richburg School Board agenda for April 2, 2019






Tuesday, April 2, 2019

7:00 PM – Regular Meeting – Conference Room 113


            I.    Call to Order

     II.    Pledge of Allegiance
            III.    President’s Report
IV.   Superintendent’s Report
V.    Public Participation 
      VI.    Report:  2019-2020 Budget Presentation by Jenny Bilotta 

     VII.   Minutes of the March 19, 2019 Board of Education Meeting



  1. Consensus Items
The following items are grouped as consensus items that may be addressed in one motion.  Board members with questions, comments or concerns may opt to delete any item from the listing and address the issue separately. 

1.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint the following election inspectors and chairperson for the upcoming Annual School District Budget vote and board elections to be held on  May 21, 2019 from 12 noon to 8 p.m.
Cheryl Sharp  

Grace McCrea

Diane Little

Melanie Johnston

Connie Emery 

2.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to increase the support of the Bolivar Free Library, Bolivar, New York, a free association library, by $4,500.00 during the 2019-2020 school fiscal year, and the Bolivar-Richburg Central School District is authorized to levy and collect taxes in said School District of payment thereof.  This will make a total of $40,000.00 toward the support of the Bolivar Free Library.

3.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to increase the support of the Colonial Library, Richburg, New York, a free association library, by $3,000.00 during the 2019-2020 school fiscal year, and the Bolivar-Richburg Central School District is authorized to levy and collect taxes in said School District of payment thereof.  This will make a total of $40,835.00 toward the support of the Colonial Library. 

4.      A motion is needed upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to increase the support of the Genesee Library, Little Genesee, New York, a free association library, by $5,468.75 during the 2019-2020 school fiscal year, and the Bolivar-Richburg Central School District is authorized to levy and collect taxes in said School District of payment thereof.  This will make a total of $27,318.75 toward the support of the Genesee Library. 

5.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve the CSE recommendations.


B.     Items Pulled from Consensus 

C.     Non-Consensus Items
6.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that Daniel Davison, who is currently provisionally appointed in the position of Director of Educational Technology and Information Systems, is hereby reappointed for a probationary period to commence April 3, 2019 and to end December 31, 2019.



7.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept Ane Perez Herrero of Spain as a foreign exchange student for the 2019-2020 school year.



8.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve George Kinnicutt as a volunteer assistant track coach for the 2019 season.



9.      A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to authorize the Superintendent of Schools to sign the agreement with the Village of Bolivar for School Resource Officer (SRO) services for the  2019-2020 school year.



10.  A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to grant Stephanie Pierce’s request to extend her medical leave through

March 29, 2019.


11.  A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept a donation of a telescope from Alfred State College.


12.  A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to grant Susan Karnuth’s request for intermittent unpaid leave under the Family Medical Leave Act from March 25, 2019 through June 30, 2019. 



13.  A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to grant Jennifer Berg’s request for unpaid leave for March 26 & 28, 2019. 



14.  A motion is needed, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to declare two ping pong tables as surplus.


D.    New Business 

  1. Items of Information 

1.      Warrant Summary 

  1. Adjournment
A motion is needed to adjourn the meeting at ____ PM, there being no further business.

