
Monday, April 15, 2019

Allegany County Committee's meet Wednesday

The Allegany County Planning and Development committee will meet tomorrow in Belmont. Lawmakers will be asked to reappoint Kier Dirlam of Almond, Jerry Scott of Cuba and Craig Clark of Alfred as members of the Southern Tier West Regional Planning Board for a three-year term starting June 1. The committee will also be asked to reappoint Jonathan Denehy of Alfred Station, as a member of the Allegany County Telecommunications Development Corporation for a two year term effective April 24. The full legislature will still need to confirm the appointments.

Staffing changes will be voted on when the Allegany County Legislature’s Human Services committee gavels into session Wednesday. The Office for the Aging is looking for permission to fill the position of Director of the Allegany County Office for the Aging. That job is currently held by Madeleine Gasdik. The job comes with a $63,000 annual salary that is paid by county, state and federal funds. The committee will also be asked to create a temporary position of Director of Patient Services due to a resignation.