
Monday, April 15, 2019

$18.5M in Highway & Bridge Improvements in So Tier and WNY

The New York State Department of Transportation today announced that work is getting underway on $18.5 million in road and bridge projects in the Southern Tier and Western New York, improving driving conditions and enhancing safety along key roadways in five counties. The maintenance work will enhance road surfaces, and clean and repair more than 175 bridges in Allegany, Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben and Yates counties. The road work, to be completed this year, calls for paving, repairing and replacing guiderail, sealing cracked pavement and repainting pavement markings. 
Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul said, “Strong infrastructure strengthens local economies, helping to enhance tourism and commerce across New York State. These road improvements will help keep people and goods on the move, furthering economic growth and helping to keep the Southern Tier Soaring.​"
The bridge work, scheduled to run through next year, includes painting, washing, joint repair work and deck sealing.
Communities can expect to see paving at the following locations this year:
·        State Route 248, Town of Independence, Allegany County
·        State Route 305, Town of Clarksville, Allegany County
·        State Route 417, Town of Wellsville, Allegany County
·        State Route 224, Town of Erin, Chemung County
·        State Route 226, Towns of Reading and Tyrone, Schuyler County
·        State Route 226, Towns of Bath, Bradford, Orange and Tyrone, Steuben County
·        State Route 248, Town of Rexville, Steuben County
·        State Route 961F, Towns of Hornellsville and Burns, Steuben County
·        State Routes 21 and 371, Towns of Wayland and Cohocton, Steuben County
Consistent with Governor Cuomo’s Drivers First initiative, the work will minimize impacts on traffic.  Lane closures will be limited to only those necessary to complete the work and keep workers and the travelling public safe.  Drivers are reminded to stay alert for flaggers and changing traffic patterns. 
The road work will include pavement crack sealing, which applies a sealant to cracks created when asphalt moves due to fluctuating temperatures.  Crack sealant helps to prevent debris from entering asphalt, protecting the longevity of the pavement.
Repainting pavement markings will keep them bright and reflective. The repair and replacement of guiderail will ensure that the rail meets current safety standards. 
The bridge work involves timely preventive and corrective maintenance repairs aimed at preserving the useful life of these structures. Resiliency against flood hazards also will be enhanced at some locations.
Senator Thomas O’Mara said, "New York State must continue to strengthen its investment in local roads and bridges across the Southern Tier and Western New York, and statewide.  These projects are critical to local communities, economies, motorists, and taxpayers."
Assemblyman Philip Palmesano said, “The recently announced road and bridge improvement projects slated for Western New York and the Southern Tier Region are good news for the regional motorists who are dependent upon a safe and reliable local transportation infrastructure each and every day.  Thank you to the New York State Department of Transportation for your strong commitment and investment in rehabilitating our roads and bridges and for providing a safe mode of travel.”
Assemblyman Christopher Friend said, “The Department of Transportation plans for continuing their annual commitment for road and bridge repair is welcome news. The Constitutional responsibility to establish and maintain the road system is where we see the role of government at work in our daily lives. I hope that we can all patiently respect the dedicated work crews so that they can safely and efficiently keep our traffic moving.”
Assemblyman Joseph Giglio said, “The commencement of important road and bridge repair and improvement projects across the Southern Tier and Western New York is very gratifying. The safety of our highways and bridges is crucial for residents and visitors as they travel and do business throughout the region, so this undertaking is excellent news for everyone. As the projects are completed over the next two years, I would like to remind motorists to stay alert in construction zones and obey New York’s Move Over Law to protect construction workers and all public safety officials on our roadways.”