
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Wellsville Police Blotter

Date: Tuesday December 11, 2018

Wellsville Police arrested Emily R. Degroff, age 29 of Gainsville, NY, charging her with Issuing a Bad Check.  The charge stems from a complaint made by the Giant Food Mart in Wellsville.  Degroff was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice O’Connor.  Degroff paid restitution of $209.95 in full and was released.

Wellsville Police arrested Emily R. Degroff, age 29 of Gainsville, NY, charging her with AUO 3rd (Aggravated Unlicensed Operation) and Unlicensed Operator.  The charges stem from a traffic stop on South Main Street in the Village of Wellsville.  Degroff was issued traffic citations and released.  Degroff is due to appear in Wellsville Village Court on January 8th at 4:30 p.m.

Wellsville Police, acting on a Bench Warrant issued by the Wellsville Village Court, arrested Kristi L. Sheridan, age 34 of Wellsville, charging her with Failure to appear in Court and/or pay fine on a previous AUO 2nd and other V&T charges.  Sheridan was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice O’Connor.  Sheridan posted $250.00 cash bail and was released.  Sheridan is due back in Wellsville Village Court on December 18th at 4:30 p.m.

Wellsville Police arrested Lee E. Richeson, age 57 of Canisteo, NY, charging him with Issuing a Bad Check.  The charge stems from a complaint made by the Giant Food Mart in Wellsville.  Richeson was processed and arraigned before Wellsville Village Justice O’Connor.  Richeson paid restitution of $136.56 in full and was released.