
Thursday, December 13, 2018

Minutes: Allegany County Ways & Means Committee - December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018
Committee Members Present: P. Stockin, D. Fanton, P. Curran, D. Decker, D. Healy, J. Hopkins, D. Root, C. Crandall (Absent: S. Havey)
Others Present: L. Ballengee, G. Barnes, T. Boyde, C. Braack, B. Budinger, J. Budinger, J. Burdick, W. Dibble, J. DiPasquale, M. Evans, V. Grant, K. Graves, L. Gridley, S. Grusendorf, B. Harris, J. Henry, K. Hooker, G. James, T. James, L. Kaminski, C. Knapp, J. Ricci, B. Riehle, T. Ross, T. Shaw, M. Washer
Media Present: C. Potter – The Spectator
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:01 p.m. by Ways & Means Committee Chairman Philip Stockin.
Approval of Minutes
The November 19, 2018, Ways & Means Committee minutes were approved on a motion made by Legislator Decker, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried.
The November 26, 2018, Ways & Means Committee minutes were approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried.
Approval of Audit
Committee members reviewed the December 10, 2018, audit of claims in the amount of $2,793,893.46 (including prepaid bills). A motion was made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Curran, and carried to forward the audit to the full Board for approval of payment.
Designation of Official Newspapers for 2019
Clerk of the Board Brenda Rigby Riehle stated that the Republican Party members of the Board of Legislators requested a resolution designating official newspapers for the publication of local laws, notices, and other matters required by law to be published in 2019. Since there are currently no Democrats on the Legislative Board, it was noted that the previous designation by the Democrat Party will remain in effect. A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried to sponsor a resolution authorizing the following newspaper designations: Prepare Resolution
Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature:
The Alfred Sun, Alfred, NY (Republican)
Cuba Patriot & Free Press, Cuba, NY (Democrat)
Election Notices and Official Canvass:
The Spectator, Wellsville, NY (Republican)
Cuba Patriot & Free Press, Cuba, NY (Democrat)
Official Newspapers:
The Spectator, Wellsville, NY (Republican)
Cuba Patriot & Free Press, Cuba, NY (Democrat)

Request to Accept Insurance Check
Mrs. Riehle requested a resolution accepting a check in the amount of $500 from New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal (NYMIR) representing the deductible on our 2018 Ford F150 Pickup truck (VIN #1FTFW1E56JFC30806) assigned to the Public Works Department that was totaled in a motor vehicle on June 12, 2018. This was a leased vehicle, and NYMIR originally settled the claim with Enterprise for $35,500 back in August, and now that NYMIR was able to recover their settlement from the insurance company of the other party, they are returning our $500 deductible. The funds should be appropriated to CS1931.429 (Risk Retention – Uninsured Property Loss) with a like sum placed in revenue account CS1930.2680.00 (Insurance Recovery). This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Curran, seconded by Legislator Decker, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Request to Change Board Date
Board Rule 110.A. states that a regular meeting of the County Board shall be held on the second Monday and fourth Monday of each calendar month. Mrs. Riehle requested a resolution changing the second Board meeting in January from Monday, January 28, 2019, to Friday, January 25, 2019, to allow Legislators to attend the annual NYSAC Conference being held January 28-30, 2019. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Root, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Agreement with Saia for White Hill Tower Close-out
County Administrator Timothy Boyde requested a resolution to enter into an agreement with Saia Communications, Inc. regarding the White Hill Tower Close-out. In lieu of Allegany County paying Invoice #909010120-1 for tower site rent from March 19, 2018, through July 18, 2018, in the amount of $7,000, Saia will take equipment with an estimated value of $12,500 that Allegany County no longer has a need or use for from the White Hill Tower site and issue a check to Allegany County for $5,500. The $5,500 should be appropriated to A3645.217 (Homeland Security Equipment Other) with a like sum placed in revenue account A3645.2655.00 (Homeland Security Sheriff – Sales Other) (Please create new revenue account.). Legislator Root stated that the location of this tower is in an area that is considered “dark” for broadband services and questioned whether or not this tower could be used for that purpose. Mr. Boyde indicated that the County does not own that tower. Lt. Shawn Grusendorf stated that the County does own a tower off McKee Road in Allentown, NY, adding that they notified the Allegany County Telecommunications Development Corporation (ACTDC) about it and told them they could utilize it; however, they have not heard anything back. Legislator Curran indicated they are unaware of that tower site; however, it’s the last mile providers who would have to rent the tower space, and they aren’t in a position to rent anything at this time. Deputy Administrator Jay DiPasquale indicated that he will reach back out to Saia to discuss what our options are for utilizing the tower for broadband purposes. The request to enter into an agreement with Saia Communications, Inc. was approved on a motion made by Legislator Healy, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Tobacco 21 Legislation
Legislator Gary Barnes stated that the Tobacco 21 legislation is something he is a strong proponent of; however, there doesn’t seem to be a majority from the Board willing to pursue it. Legislator Barnes continued that there was a majority vote approving the request to pass Tobacco 21 on a statewide basis, and he would like to bring forth this Resolution to see what we can do at the County level. Legislator Harris indicated he has concerns regarding the Resolution. The first being that when the Ways and Means agenda was originally released, this item was not included allowing him to follow through with the promise he made to his constituents which was to keep them informed of this legislation. Legislator Harris continued that he notified his constituents once he received it, but unfortunately it was too late notice for them to make it to the meeting. Legislator Harris requested the Ways and Means Committee to consider ending the legislation at the meeting and not moving it forward, adding that those who were philosophically opposed to it when it was introduced as a Local Law, should also be opposed to it now. Legislator Harris indicated that the Resolution states that over 20 localities have enacted this legislation and asked if he is correct to understand that hundreds of state localities have not. Committee Chairman Stockin stated he cannot answer that question; however, he believes it’s counties who have enacted the legislation. Legislator Harris noted that means less than half have felt the need to enact such “idiotic” legislation. Chairman Curt Crandall stated that while he appreciates Legislator Harris’ position, he urges the committee to move forward in a different way. This legislation has been tabled, and it was expressed that the Board should bring it off the floor, debate it, and vote up or down. Chairman Crandall continued that originally being a Local Law, they held a Public Hearing and heard both the pros and cons, and if they allow public opinion again, they will bring about the same situation. Chairman Crandall indicated that this Resolution is a good alternative to the Local Law, and those who are opposed to it should just vote against it. Chairman Crandall encouraged not only passing the Resolution, but letting it come off the floor to be dealt with and moved to the state level. Legislator Fanton stated his opposition was to the fact that the State wanted Allegany County to do something that they didn’t want to do at their own level, and he feels comfortable putting this matter back into their hands to decide. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. (Opposed: D. Decker) Prepare Resolution
Human Services Committee
Acceptance of Women’s Health Initiative Funds
Public Health Director Lori Ballengee requested a resolution to accept and appropriate a Women’s Health Initiative award #C34453GG provided by Senator Cathy Young’s office in the amount of $250,000. The Health Department is requesting acceptance and appropriation of the funds. This funding must be spent on Women’s Health by March 31, 2019. The New York State Department of Health has approved the work plan and spending that was outlined.
The 2019 budget should be amended as follows:
** New Account A4100 Women’s Health Initiative # C34453GG 4/1/2018 – 3/31/2019
Appropriation: Amount:
A4100.408 General Supplies $157,984
A4100.409 Fees (Speaker/Hosting/Screening) $ 70,480
A4100.421 Education/Training Schools $ 11,536
A4100.424 Advertising $ 10,000
Total: $250,000
Revenue: Amount:
A4100.3489.00 State Aid – Health Other $250,000
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Fanton, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Acceptance of Women’s Health Initiative Funds
Ms. Ballengee requested a resolution to accept and appropriate a Women’s Health Initiative award # T34480GG for promotion of cancer prevention and screenings for the 2019 Budget year, 2018–19 award year (April 1, 2018-March 31, 2019).
The 2019 budget should be amended as follows:
**New Account A4101 Women’s Health Initiative # T34480GG 11/1/2018 – 3/31/2019
Appropriation: Amount:
A4101.424 (Women’s Health Initiative – Legal Advertising) $50,000
Revenue: Amount:
A4101.3489.00 (Women’s Health Initiative – State Aid) $50,000
The Women’s Health Initiative Award is for the purpose of marketing, outreach, and overall awareness of cancer. Accordingly, the award will be utilized for advertising for newspaper, billboard, radio, and social media. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Acceptance of Allegany Senior Foundation Funds
Office for the Aging Director Madeleine Gasdik requested a resolution to accept and appropriate a donation of $1,100 from a grant the Allegany Senior Foundation received from United Way. The full amount will be used to fund PERS (Personal Emergency Response System). The funds should be appropriated as follows:
Appropriation (2018 Budget): Amount:
A6776.409 (Community Services for Elderly – PERS) $1,100
Revenue (2018 Budget): Amount:
A6776.1972.00 (Community Services for Elderly – Local Revenue) $1,100
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Application for Grant Funds
Social Services Commissioner Vicki Grant requested permission to apply for $50,000 in Child Abuse or Neglect Prevention and Treatment ACT (CAPTA) Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) funds to help improve our response to families and infants affected by substance use disorders (both alcohol and drugs). This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Acceptance of SNAP Bonus Federal Award
Ms. Grant requested a resolution to transfer funds from DSS SNAP Bonus Federal Award to the Capital County Bldg/Jail Floor Renovation project. These funds were accepted by Resolution #203-18 on October 22, 2018. These funds are not going to be expended by December 31 as originally expected and need to be rolled into the capital to be used for the Intake Renovation to occur in 2019. The transfer is as follows:
From: Amount:
A6010.210 (Social Services Administration) $12,150
To: Amount: H5633.200 (Capital Project – Cty Bldg – Jail Floor Renov) $12,150
This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
Intensive Case Manager Position
Community Services Director Dr. Robert Anderson requested permission to fill one full-time Intensive Case Manager (PEF, Grade 7, Step: Base). This position is responsible for providing services to home health participants and mental health recipients. The 2019 annual salary of this position is estimated at $43,779.85 with benefits estimated at 47 percent. It was noted that this position generates revenue. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Hopkins, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Notify Human Resources

Public Works Department
County Superintendent of Public Works Position
Public Works Superintendent Guy James requested permission to fill one full-time County Superintendent of Public Works (Section IV Salary Plan). This position is responsible for supervisory, administrative, and professional work in planning, organizing, and directing the Public Works Department, as well as County Public Works projects and programs. The annual salary of this position is $86,000 with benefits estimated at $40,824.20. This position is funded 100 percent with County dollars. An amendment to the Section IV Salary Plan will also be required. Legislator Graves asked if the Deputy Superintendent II position was going to be abolished. Committee Chairman Stockin stated it’s not being eliminated, but isn’t being filled either. Legislator Graves asked if it’s a funded position. Legislator Fanton stated that it was not included in the 2019 Budget as a funded position. Legislator Harris asked if a position is vacant for a number of years and there is no intention of filling it, why not abolish it. Legislator Fanton stated they have done that with several positions in the past. Legislator Graves stated that it allows the Department Head flexibility based on what their workload is, adding that the problem arises when it’s a funded position but is sitting vacant. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Transfer Station Operator Position
Public Works Deputy Superintendent II Justin Henry requested permission to fill one full-time Transfer Station Operator (AFSCME, Grade 11) and all subsequent positions including hiring from the outside due to an upcoming retirement. This position is responsible for the operation of a County Transfer Station. The annual salary of this position is $33,209.64 with benefits estimated at $15,764.62. This position is funded 100 percent with County dollars. This request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. Notify Human Resources
Appointment of Interim County Administrator
County Attorney Carissa Knapp requested a resolution appointing Timothy Boyde as Interim County Administrator. Mr. Boyde has indicated that he is not seeking re-appointment; however, he has agreed to stay on while the County begins the process of hiring a new County Administrator. Attorney Knapp indicated that Mr. Boyde will also be appointed as Budget Officer so he can assist with getting the process started. Legislator Graves expressed concern regarding the process being taken for the filling of this position, and the voting was suspended until after the Attorney/Client session at 1:47 p.m. Following the exit of the attorney/client session, this request was approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Root, and carried. Prepare Resolution
First Transit Mobility Management Contract
Attorney Knapp stated that the Mobility Management contract with First Transit is up for renewal. Costs for year one are approximately $944,919, and costs for year two and year three are approximately $1,006,338. Ardent Solutions Mobility Management Planner Larry Kaminski stated there is a 14 percent increase over a 3-year period to continue the operations that are currently in place. Mr. Kaminski continued that they were surprised by the increase and attribute it to personnel related matters with minimum wage increasing. Mr. Kaminski encouraged the committee to move the contract forward to continue this much needed service in our County. Mr. Boyde indicated that they did negotiate down to the 14 percent from what was originally requested by First Transit, adding there are other benefits to the County included in the contract as well. Legislator Fanton noted that the County is just a pass-through, and the contract is funded fully with state dollars. Legislator Decker asked if there is going to be an increase in fare for ridership, and Mr. Kaminski stated, no. Legislator Decker then asked why we should accept a 14 percent increase and not require those using the service to pay their share. Mr. Kaminski stated that Legislator Decker’s question is valid; however, some people struggle with the current $.50 fare, and increasing that could be detrimental to their ridership. Legislator Barnes asked what the current rates are. Mr. Kaminski stated the standard fare is $1. Senior citizens, those with a disability, veterans, as well as students with a valid ID pay $.50. Legislator Barnes indicated that he recently utilized the service and found that the money collection was not efficient and could use some improvement. Mr. Kaminski stated that technology comes at a cost, but he can look into ways the current system could improve. The committee briefly discussed the different fare rates across the state. The request to renew the Mobility Management contract with First Transit was approved on a motion made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried. (Opposed: D. Decker) Prepare Resolution
Impaired Driving Prevention Program Kick-off
Chairman Crandall recognized the BOCES Culinary students who were a part of the County’s annual Impaired Driving Prevention Program, stating they did a wonderful job.
Attorney/Client Session
A motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Healy, and carried at 1:47 p.m. to enter into attorney/client session. Immediately following discussion at 1:56 p.m., a motion was made by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Decker, and carried to end the attorney/client session and return to the regular meeting.
Good of the Order
Majority Leader Dwight “Mike” Healy announced there will not be a caucus due to time constraints.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:57 p.m. following a motion by Legislator Fanton, seconded by Legislator Hopkins, and carried.
Respectfully submitted.
Meghan Washer, Confidential Secretary to Clerk of the Board
Allegany County Board of Legislators