
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Livingston County Sheriff's Office Project Lifesaver Reminder of Services Offered

GENESEO: Sheriff Thomas J. Dougherty would like to remind county residents that the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office has a service available to assist caregivers in keeping those people who suffer from Alzheimer’s, autism, dementia, or other disorders safe.
The Livingston County Sheriff’s Office does offer and provide “Project Lifesaver” which is a radio transmission system designed to assist law enforcement and emergency services operations in locating lost or missing persons who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, autism, dementia, or other disorders that keep them from being able to help themselves or communicate effectively with others.  The program is designed to assist these adults and children who may wander away.
The Livingston County Sheriff’s Office has trained members that deploy to the scene and operate the equipment when needed and the service is free of charge aside from batteries.
Citizens enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small watch size transmitter either on their wrist or ankle that emits a tracking signal.  If a client enrolled in the system goes missing this will allow for our trained members to respond immediately and start searching the area to bring the loved one back home to his or her family safely.  Often times the missing person is within a few miles of their home.
The Sheriff’s Office provides the equipment and services needed and only suggests a $10.00 donation each time the batteries need changing which is about 10 ten times.   The Sheriff reminds folks that if they are in financial hardship, the $10.00 is only a suggested donation and we would not cut off services due to financial reasons. 
If you know of a friend or family member who would benefit from this program or have further questions please contact Community Policing Deputy Sheriff Mike Didas at 243-7100.