
Friday, December 8, 2017

Alfred State’s Day of Giving raises more than $150,000

Once again, Alfred State alumni, faculty, staff, students, and supporters came together to show their Pioneer Pride for Alfred State’s Day of Giving.
As of the time this article was written, 954 donors had contributed a total of $152,788 in cash and pledges, with donations still coming in online and through the mail. The funds that were not restricted to a certain area will be used to support the greatest needs of the college, primarily scholarships, new programming, updated technology, and athletic programs.
Trish Haggerty, director of Annual Giving, said Day of Giving was again a wonderful success thanks to alumni, faculty, staff, friends of the college, and students.
“Our student clubs and organizations had an exciting day reaching out to their fellow alumni, family, and friends to raise money for their individual groups,” she said, “and the overall participation on campus was once again a reminder of what we as Pioneers can do when we come together for a common goal.”
Throughout the day, Alfred State held some fun events to coincide with the Day of Giving, including raffles, Christmas tree decorating, ornament making, Christmas cookie decorating, and different student clubs giving away cotton candy and snow cones. Additionally, student volunteers helped spread the word about the big day, and a number of Greek organizations challenged the men’s baseball and soccer teams to a basketball tournament following the women’s basketball game against Buffalo State.
Some of the major gifts that were unlocked once certain challenges were met included:
  • $10,000 from Development Fund Board members.
  • $10,000 from Robert Drago, a former College Council member and the president of Goya Foods, Inc.
  • $10,000 from Charles Craig, a current College Council member and senior vice president of Science and Technology Administration and Operation at Corning, Inc.
  • $5,000 from College Council.
  • $2,500 from LeChase Construction Services, LLC Managing Partner and CEO Bill Goodrich and Vice President Rich Laudisi.
Also worth noting is that the farthest-away donation came from Dubai. The Delta Chi Omega sorority even managed to secure a donation from Afghanistan.
“The Alfred State Family stepped up in a big way once again for our annual Day of Giving, and we are very proud of and thankful for the generosity shown by each of our donors,” Haggerty said. “Thank you to all who supported this campaign and helped make a difference in the lives of our students.”