
Monday, October 9, 2017

Wellsville: Building Your Caregiver Toolbox

Building Your Caregiver Toolbox
Join the Autumn Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class

As loved ones age, debilitating disease, chronic health conditions or simple frailty can soon follow. Or we may end up caring for someone permanently injured from an accident. While some employ paid providers, most rely on unpaid assistance from families, friends and neighbors. 
A majority of Americans will be caregivers at some point in their lives as 65.7 million caregivers make up 29% of the U.S. adult population providing care to someone who is ill, disabled or frail.
That’s why the Allegany County Office for the Aging and WNY Alzheimer’s Caregiver Partnership is proud to offer Powerful Tools for Caregivers every Thursday afternoon beginning October 12-November 16, 2017, from 1:00-3:30p.m., in Wellsville, New York at the Grace United Church, 289 N Main St. Caregiver respite may be available at Total Senior Care’s Day Break Program on North Main Street, Wellsville, so caregivers can attend Powerful Tools for Caregivers. 
Powerful Tools will show caregivers how to take care of themselves, make tough decisions, set goals and solve problems, help to reduce feelings of guilt, anger and depression, and communicate effectively with family members, doctors, and paid helpers.
It's not easy balancing a caregiving role with other parts of life when you care for someone with a chronic health condition such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's or stroke. 
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a FREE, six-week class giving caregivers invaluable tools to help reduce stress, make difficult decisions, communicate more effectively in challenging situations, and most importantly, prevent caregiver burnout.  All materials including The Caregiver Helpbook and refreshments are provided at no cost.
Registration is required by October 11, 2017 by calling the Allegany County Office for the Aging at 585-268-9390.