
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Thompson Supports EPA’s Move to Halt Excessive Regulations That Would Raise Utility Prices for Consumers

Press Release:
WASHINGTON U.S. Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson( McKean, Potter) voiced his support in favor of the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to ease regulations on coal-fired power plants. In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a stay on the proposal due to significant legal challenges.
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Tuesday issued a notice that the agency would repeal the Obama-era Clean Power Plan, citing concerns that it exceeds agency statutory authority. There have been numerous court challenges to the implementation of Clean Power Plan.
“I am pleased to see the Trump administration review this flawed plan, which unfairly removed authority from the states and placed new pressures on our struggling power sector,” Thompson said. “Meanwhile, the plan did little for the environment and would drive up utility prices. It is encouraging that the executive branch plans to further review the proposal to ensure regulations are within the letter of the law.”