
Friday, April 7, 2017

Free soil pH clinic at Alfred State set for April 28

Students in the soils class at Alfred State will hold a free pH clinic for the community from 2:30-5:30 p.m. Friday, April 28 in room 103 of the Agriculture Science Building on the Alfred campus.
Community members are encouraged to bring up to four sandwich-bag-sized soil samples for pH measurement, as well as texture determination (approximate amount of sand, silt and clay). Student and faculty advisers will be on hand to assist community members in interpreting their results for specific garden or landscaping needs.
If unable to attend the event, community members are encouraged to drop off or mail samples to Agriculture and Veterinary Technology Department Lecturer Jessica Hutchison, 123B Agriculture Building, Agriculture and Veterinary Technology Department, 10 Upper College Drive, Alfred, NY 14802.
If mailing or dropping off samples, please ensure that samples arrive prior to the end of the event. Contact Hutchison at or 607-587-3616 regarding any questions.