
Friday, May 1, 2020

Hornell Elks Lodge Contributes $2,000 to Purchase Personal Protective

HORNELL -  Patients and staff at St. James Hospital will have access to more safety supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to a $2,000 donation from Hornell Elks Lodge 364 to purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The Hornell Elks recently applied for and received a Gratitude Grant, which has been earmarked for purchasing PPE for St. James.

“We wanted to do something to help meet the immediate needs at the hospital,” said Cindie Harrington, Hornell Elks Lodge Esteemed Loyal Knight and retired St. James employee. “During this pandemic the need for PPE is more significant than ever. I worked in the St. James emergency department for twenty-two years, and understand how important it is to keep patients and staff safe.”

St. James will use the donation to supplement its supply of protective masks, gloves and gowns. The hospital recently implemented “universal” masking, wherein every person who comes through the door must be masked.

“The community’s generosity during the pandemic has been astounding,” said Bryan O’Donovan, St. James president and CEO. “We are so grateful to the Hornell Elks Lodge for directly supporting the safety of our patients and staff.”
“We were pleasantly surprised at how quickly our grant application was approved,” said Cindie. “The grants committee at the national office turned it around within a week, an indication of how the Elks organization has responded to the pandemic and to communities in need.”

Founded in 1868, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA is a fraternal organization dedicated “…to promote and practice the four cardinal virtues of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; and to quicken the spirit of American Patriotism and cultivate good fellowship” in their local communities. Lodge 364 has been serving Hornell since 1897.