
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Steuben Sheriff deputies certified EMTs

BATH – The first formal class of Steuben County Sheriff deputies has completed the required training and are now certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). County Sheriff Jim Allard told the county Legislature’s Public Safety Committee recently the certifications are the first in his department’s initiative to have all county deputies certified EMTs. Allard also completed the EMT training. Allard told the committee his department is looking to assist local emergency medical teams respond to medical emergencies. "Often, we’re first on scene," he said. "In many instances medical care is needed and needed right then. This training is simply another tool we can use in our public safety mission." Deputies are now trained in CPR, First Aid and Narcan administration. They also carry automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in their vehicles and are trained to use the AEDs as needed. Four county deputies already are certified EMTs due to their involvement in their hometown volunteer emergency response units. Steuben County deputies have been formally recognized over the years for using their additional training to save lives. In 2016, deputies Brooke Payne and Todd Terwilliger were honored for their successful efforts in reviving an unidentified drug overdose victim by administering Narcan.
Since 2016 deputies have had several Narcan saves across the county, including the save of a two-year old who ingested prescription opiates.