
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reminders for Wellsville Balloon Rally

Rally is July 19-21:
Here’s a few things to keep in mind when you come out to the rally:
- This is a family friendly event. While we love our four legged friends as much as anyone, PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR PETS TO THE BALLOON RALLY!!! It’s extremely crowded, especially on vendor alley, and we would hate for your pets, especially the tiny ones, to get stepped on or spooked in some way.
- There will be no parking at the park unless you have a handicapped tag.
- Because of the limited parking at the park, we are once again offering a free shuttle on Friday and Saturday nights from 4 p.m. until 10:30-ish p.m. The shuttle will be running back and forth between the pick up spots and the rally between those hours. The three designated pickup spots are: Northern Lights Plaza, McDonalds Plaza, and the Riverwalk Plaza. Look for signs directing you where exactly the shuttle will pick up.
- Launch times are not set in stone. We set launch times, but if the weather is not appropriate for flying, we will delay until it is safe to launch. Our first concern has to be the safety of the balloon pilots, crew, and passengers. Launches are set for 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. At these times we will be meeting with all the pilots and officials, reviewing the weather radar and forecasts and making a determination right then as to whether or not we can fly, or if we need to delay.
-Decisions regarding when we launch or delaying the launch take place from the field. We don’t know what will happen with the weather until we are there.
- Updates about launch times, including delays will be posted to our Facebook, Instagram , and Twitter pages as soon as we have them. Please be patient if you message the page and you don’t get an immediate reply. We appreciate your patience.
We hope you enjoy the 44th Annual Great Wellsville Balloon Rally. The committee of volunteers work very hard to make sure this is an amazing experience for everyone! Thank you so much for your continued support and helping us make these events possible!