L-R: Mani Joyce-Phelps, Micelle Clark, Bill Cox, Susan Bull |
This season, the VITA program assisted 377 tax payers at 9
locations throughout the county. This free tax preparation for low income
residents brought $528,875 of tax return dollars to the county and surrounding
region. Twenty volunteers assisted with tax preparation, including ACUW staff,
accounting and MBA students from Houghton College and Alfred University, and
two community volunteers, Michelle Clark and William (Bill) Cox. While this
program is a success due to a combined volunteer effort, we could not have
experienced this level of success without our two community volunteers.
Michelle prepared nearly 55 tax returns, primarily for residents in the towns
of Bolivar and Richburg. Bill prepared nearly 75 returns and quality reviewed
close to 100 returns at multiple locations. Volunteers are not paid to provide
tax assistance; however, we can determine the value of their time. According to
the Independent Sector, a membership organization of nonprofits, the value of a
volunteer hour is $25.43. Utilizing that figure, Michelle contributed the
equivalent of $2,448 and Bill $3,713 by donating their time to the VITA
program. On behalf of the ACUW staff and Board of Directors, we wish to express
our deep gratitude to all the volunteers whose commitment of time resulted in a
positive impact regarding the income of our community.
The VITA tax program is federally funded by the Internal
Revenue Service, locally administered through Allegany County United Way in
partnership with United Way of Buffalo and Erie County.