
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Area schools to hold public hearings on 2019-2020 proposed budgets

The Genesee Valley Board of Education will Monday afternoon to hold a public hearing of the proposed 2019-2020 school budget. The 5:30 p.m. session will be held in the Media Lab Room. Voters will head to the polls next week to act of the budget and other proposed measures.

The Andover Central School will hold a public hearing Monday night on its proposed budget to be voted on next week. The hearing begins at 7 p.m. The proposed budget calls for spending $9.5 million dollars. Two school board seats are up and voters will decide on the purchase of a school bus, which would be funded entirely from reserves.

The Whitesville School Board will hold a public hearing on its proposed budget Monday night. That hearing begins at 7p.m.