
Monday, December 3, 2018

Superintendent to posthumously promote Trooper VanNostrand to Sergeant

George P. Beach II
Superintendent George P. Beach II announced today he would be posthumously promoting Trooper Jeremy J. VanNostrand to the rank of Sergeant.
The Superintendent made the announcement during his remarks at Monday's funeral service.
Details are in Superintendent Beach's remarks below:

Good Morning. 
Today, we honor the memory of Trooper Jeremy VanNostrand – a respected State Trooper, husband, father, son, and a true friend. 
To Jeremy’s wife, their daughter, his parents, and brothers: On behalf of all of the members of the New York State Police, I extend to you our deepest sympathies and condolences. 
To Governor Andrew Cuomo, our colleagues in law enforcement and public safety – Thank you for being here to support the family of Trooper VanNostrand, his friends and the State Police. 
Trooper Jeremy VanNostrand was a six-year veteran of the New York State Police.  Prior to joining us – he was a Correction Officer with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. 
As a Trooper, he started his career in Troop F, at SP Middletown and Liberty, before transferring home to Troop G – first SP Granville, and then, SP Fonda.

Jeremy loved this job – and he was good at it.

It was evident at a young age –Jeremy wanted to be in uniform – and he did everything he could to reach his goal to become a New York State Trooper. 
Hard-working, aggressive, Jeremy loved making arrests and was passionate about getting impaired drivers off our roads. 
That is the kind of Trooper you want out patrolling your community.

He had a desire to learn, and early on in his career, made sure he drove with some of our more senior members – always wanting to know more about the job.

He was reliable – dependable – and he was no nonsense. 
For those who knew him - to say Jeremy was outspoken would be an understatement.

He was never afraid to offer his opinion and it was often unfiltered – no matter your rank.

The infuriating part- his friends say – is more often than not – Jeremy was right.
He had an innate sense of what was right and wrong –a great quality to have in a Trooper. 
This, along with his humor, his work ethic, are what his co-workers most respected about their friend.

Jeremy was a straight shooter- but he was also incredibly thoughtful. This is not a surprising characteristic in someone who has dedicated his life to public service. 
A classmate recalled when they were at the Academy – the classmate welcomed his middle son.

While many were busy studying for the next test, cramming in as much time with their own families on the weekends, including Jeremy – It was Trooper VanNostrand who went out of his way to make sure a gift of congratulations was sent to the house.

Over the years, the gifts and cards continued, always showing up at a classmate’s home for holidays or big events.

Some would say it was easy to forget, life easily gets in the way– but Jeremy always did remember. 
Loyalty was important to Jeremy. 
And there was no one he was more loyal to than his family.

He was passionate about his work – but he was dedicated to his family.

To all of Jeremy’s family, there is little we can say to ease the pain of your loss.  I hope you can take comfort in knowing that Jeremy served the people of our state with honor and he will always be remembered by his state police family.

The loss of Jeremy VanNostrand is the loss of a dedicated public servant, a family man, a loyal friend, a great Trooper.

As a police officer – we accept the inherent risks that come with this job.
We respond to a call, we make the traffic stop, and sometimes we run toward danger instead of away.

But this wasn’t a dangerous call or traffic stop, and Jeremy’s death should hit home for each and every one of us.

Each day we wake up – we go to work.

That is what Jeremy was doing.

Driving into work - Driving in to help, because that is what we do - help, serve, protect the people of New York State.

There is no doubt Jeremy would have gone far in our organization.

Every four years – a promotional test is offered to our members.

Jeremy had recently taken our test to become a Sergeant. An important role. The direct supervisor to our rank and file Troopers across the state.

Jeremy had scored well, and is currently number four on that promotion list.

He would have been promoted in our next round of calls.

Because of his hard work and dedication to this job - I am posthumously promoting Jeremy VanNostrand to the rank of Sergeant.

Jeremy always did what he thought was right.

I know this promotion is right – well-deserved, earned by Jeremy himself – and a way to honor him and his commitment to public service.

May God bless Jeremy for his selflessness, his sacrifice, his service to others.

To Sergeant Jeremy VanNostrand – I stand with your friends, colleagues, your family and with all New York State Troopers to say:

Sergeant Jeremy J. VanNostrand

Shield 1966

End of Watch – 27 November 2018

Rest in Peace.