
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Andover police charge two boys, 8 & 11, with felony burglary, more - accused of causing "thousands" in damage to school

On Saturday August 11th the Andover Police Department arrested an 11-year-old Andover boy and an 8-year-old Springville, NY juvenile. They were charged with burglary 3rd, a D felony; criminal trespass 3rd, a B misdemeanor; criminal mischief 2nd, a D felony and conspiracy 5th an A misdemeanor.  Andover Police Chief Jim Rumfelt said the charges stem from an investigation into a break-in at the Andover School where several thousand dollars in damage was caused.  Due to the age of the youths they were issued Family Court Appearance Tickets returnable on August 15, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.  The youths were released to their guardians.