
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Rep. Reed issues bold statement - 10 reasons why Gov. Cuomo's policies have hurt New York State

In the ongoing political drama of he said, he said, Congressman Tom Reed today issued this press release:

1.) One of the highest property tax burdens in the nation: New Yorkers face an unbearable property tax burden driving seniors from their homes and forcing our young people to look for opportunities in other states.
2.) 73,000 people have fled New York: This is just last year alone…
3.) Losing Congressional Representation Upstate:  As a result of the population decline, we lost 2 congressional seats in the 2010 census  and are likely to lose another seat in the next census.
4.) Insanely high income tax rates: individual income tax brackets reach as high as 8.82% which is one of the highest rates in the country.
5.) Defense of the 1% at the expense of the 99%: Tax reform will help hardworking folks upstate. The Governor is more concerned about protecting his rich friends in NYC.
6.) Fracking and pipeline ban that blocks job creation and economic growth: Stifling New York’s energy infrastructure and preventing affordable, reliable energy to homes and businesses.  
7.) Waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars: Cuomo's budget included $15 million for a "world-class" gondola that will carry 1,200 people an hour from the New York State Fairgrounds to the Onondaga Lakeview Amphitheater.
8.) $4 Billion budget deficit in 2017: In the Governor’s own words: “We need $4 billion just to get to zero. And that’s without a penny more being spent.”
9.) $13,487 of debt for every resident: Spent by state public authorities without the consent of voters.
10.) Failed economic development attempt: “Start Up New York” has cost taxpayers $50 Million to create just 76 jobs. Reed’s release was in response to Cuomo, who Thursday published 10 key reasons why he thinks the GOP tax plan will deliver an economic death blow to New York and the nation.