
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wellsville: Medical rescue for worker on roof at Dresser-Rand/Siemens

An usual medical rescue event was reported at Dresser-Rand/Siemens in Wellsville just after noon today. First Responders were called to the industrial plant on Coats Street when a man, 53,  working on the roof of the 'main building' was stricken by an apparent cardiac event. Wellsville Ambulance and Rescue responded to the scene. Medical Transport Service 'Medic 700' also responded with a physician, according to radio reports. Rescuers planned to use a stokes basket to bring the man to ground level. Mercy Flight helicopter was called to the scene and was told to land in the 'back parking lot.' Company and Wellsville ambulance responders initiated immediate medical care to the man, including advanced life support services. It wasn't the typical rescue in Wellsville.
A doctor took to the radio to give a detailed report as Mercy Flight approached the scene.