
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Allegany County Pill Drop nets 100+ pounds of medications

On Saturday, April 29th, the Allegany County Spring Pill Drop Event was held in Cuba and Wellsville. The event is held by coalition members of Partners for Prevention in Allegany County (PPAC), which includes the Allegany Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Inc., (ACASA), the Allegany County Sheriff’s Office and the Cuba Police Department.
This year the two pill drop locations were at the Cuba Fire Department and the YMCA’s Healthy Kids’ Day at the Alfred State College Wellsville campus. The purpose of the event is to get unused or unwanted medications off our streets and out of the hands of children. 68 community members participated, with over 100 pounds of medications collected. The Sheriff’s Office will transport these medications to secure location to properly dispose of them by incineration, which is the recommended way to dispose of medications. Previous studies have found that flushing them down the toilet can lead to medications being found in our streams and waterways.
PPAC would like to send out a special “Thank You” to the volunteers that assisted at the pill drops, which include: Cuba Pharmacy’s Alyssa Velez and Cuba Rite Aid’s Christie Fries, Deb Miller of the Department of Social Services and Eric Strauser of Veteran’s Affairs.
If you have medications you would like to dispose of and you were unable to get to the pill drop locations, you can also drop off medications at any of the six pill drop boxes that are located throughout the county at: the Allegany County Sheriff’s Office, Alfred State’s Campus Police, the Cuba Police Department, Fillmore Pharmacy, Jones Memorial Hospital, and the Wellsville Police Department. The pill drop event and drop boxes are confidential and completely anonymous. More information on the pill drop box locations can be found at
For more information please visit, if you would like a pill drop event to be held in your community please email at The next pill drop event will be held this Fall with locations and information to follow.