Recognized at the college’s employee recognition banquet were: Garth Grantier, Jeffrey Wilcox, Kent Johnson, Danielle Green, and Larry Fox. Each received a certificate and a monetary gift.
The Pioneer Award acknowledges those who have demonstrated commitment and dedication to the college mission and goals, have made contributions that have had meaning and measurable positive impact on college operations, are seen as positive role models and show creativity and initiative, and have shown a consistent level of exceptional performance throughout their employment.
With his help, these students are becoming great learners and leaders, which is of great benefit to the college. In addition, Grantier is a member of the Faculty Senate, Pathways Leadership Team, Placement Test Committee, CDR committee, and the Summer Prep Academy Committee.
Wilcox has also trained hundreds in the use of Naloxone, a life-saving drug that counteracts opiates in a person’s system. The department even has documented cases in which individuals who have received this training from Wilcox have saved lives. As a member of the Commissioner’s Training Team, he has traveled across the state providing “Fair and Impartial Policing” training to others.
As chair of the Automotive Department, Johnson enthusiastically describes the merits of an Alfred State education to parents and hopeful students at Open House events, while recruiting at high schools, recruiting industry support for the department, and serving as a member of the advisory board.
Green is responsible for Alfred State’s current status as an institutional member of the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) and she is currently leading the team that is pursuing full IACBE accreditation for all eight primary business programs at Alfred State. She was also one of the original pioneers for online education and advocates for a Center for Online Learning, and oversees Operation Gratitude, an annual event that raises clothes, money, and more for soldiers overseas.
Fox is always willing to lend a hand whether it be shoveling snow or helping an employee find their lost keys. He is also always willing to do whatever it takes to support the students, dropping whatever he is working on to help them in their rooms, or coming in on weekends to fix doors, windows, and work on other miscellaneous projects.
Recipients are nominated by their peers and selected by the Reward and Recognition Committee.