BELMONT, NEW YORK – Cornell Cooperative Extension of Allegany County’s Agriculture Program welcomes you to join us for our first outdoor presentation this year led by Allegany County’s Master Gardener, Dave Chamberlain. The program will be held at Phillips Creek State Forest’s main entrance found on Route 244, Saturday, August 8th at 10:00AM.
Take this opportunity to learn about Allegany’s native tree species from your local Master Gardener, engaging in conversation, covering topics that may be new to you. We’re very excited for you to join us as Dave covers a variety of local ecology found around Phillips Creek, and much of Western NY. Information will be provided on the NYS forest program and its geologic history. There will be opportunity for questions during the presentation and handouts will be presented at the beginning of the walk.
Take this opportunity to learn about Allegany’s native tree species from your local Master Gardener, engaging in conversation, covering topics that may be new to you. We’re very excited for you to join us as Dave covers a variety of local ecology found around Phillips Creek, and much of Western NY. Information will be provided on the NYS forest program and its geologic history. There will be opportunity for questions during the presentation and handouts will be presented at the beginning of the walk.
Pre-registration is required and there is a $10 fee for the program. We will require you to sign a CCE Assumption of Risk Form prior to the walk and social distancing and masks will be exercised during the walk. In case of rain or poor weather, the event will be moved to Sunday or the following weekend. If we reach capacity and cannot properly exercise social distancing we will hold a later session in the afternoon as well as the original time. Please contact Jeremy Baier, Allegany County Cooperative Extension at 585-268-7644 ext. 14, or by email for details in order to attend.
This program is one of many programs offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Allegany County (CCE-Allegany). The association is part of the national cooperative extension system, an educational partnership between County, State, and Federal governments. As New York’s land grant university Cornell administers the system in this state. For more information, call 525-268-7644 or visit our website at Cornell University Cooperative Extension provides equal program and employment opportunities.
Picture is provided by Pixabay: