
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Steuben County: Playgrounds and Pools Approved to Reopen

BATH – State guidance has been issued allowing local municipalities and schools to reopen playgrounds if safety measures are achievable.  In parks and on the playground, social distancing of at least six feet among individuals from different households must be maintained, face coverings must be worn by all individuals over the age of two who are able to medically tolerate such coverings, and frequent cleaning and disinfection of the surfaces must be in place.

“Individuals visiting parks and playgrounds are highly encouraged to wash their hands before and after visiting and should not visit when feeling ill,” said Public Health Director, Darlene Smith.  “As we continue to reopen in the region, please remember to continue taking precautions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.”
Municipal, campground, hotels, schools, complexes, and other public and private pools that are regulated by the New York State Department of Health may reopen indoor and outdoor swimming pools and recreational aquatic spray grounds with restrictions.
Like with playgrounds, social distancing rules apply to members of different households.  Face coverings are not to be worn while in the water, but must be available and worn by individuals out of the water who are within six feet of members of other households.  The maximum size of any single group of people on the premise or in the water is 10, but more than one group is allowed onsite or in the water if they are able to be separated by at least six feet.
“Health and safety continue to be foremost in reopening,” said County Manager, Jack Wheeler.  “We are happy to be able to return to more normal summertime activities, while knowing it will look different than before.”