
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Allegany County Senior Picnic canceled

The Allegany County Office for the Aging regrets to inform you that our annual Senior Picnic
will be canceled this year. We will start our planning process for next year and make it an event
to remember!
During the month of July, the Office for the Aging has scheduled “Drive-thru” locations across
the County to distribute Farmers Market Coupons to eligible seniors. The Farmers Market
Coupon booklets will contain $20 in Farmers Markets coupons for you to use at participating
Farmers Markets.
Eligibility to receive the Farmers Market Coupons is as follows: - age 60 or over - have not
received the coupons this year and - meet the gross monthly income limits below:

 $1968/month for a one-person household; or
 $2658/month for a two-person household; or
 $3349/month for a three-person household

(Income levels increase by $691/month based on the number of persons in the applicant's household)
Remember that all individuals age 60 and over in a household who meet income requirements
are eligible to receive a booklet.
The enclosed form will need to be completed by everyone who is eligible (see above) and
would like to receive a Farmers Market Coupon booklet in the household.
***Please pre- fill out the enclosed form and bring it with you to the distribution sites to
expedite the process***

Office for the Aging 6085 State Route 19N
Belmont, NY 14813
Ph: 585-268-9390
Ph: 866-268-9390
FAX: 585-268-9657

If you are not able to attend the distribution sites and would like to have another individual pick
up your Farmers Market Coupons, you will still have to complete the enclosed form AND
provide a note giving permission for your coupons to be distributed to another individual.
Please wear a face covering and remain in your vehicles to ensure proper social distancing.
Locations and times for the “drive-thru” distributions are listed below. If you need any
clarification on the locations or a physical address, please feel free to give our office a call at
585-268-9390 or toll free at 866-268-9390.

Allegany County Office for the Aging Farmers Market Coupon
Distribution locations and times are as follows:

Thursday 7/2- Rushford Fire Hall- 1-3
Monday 7/6- Whitesville Ambulance Bay- 1-3
Tuesday 7/7- Genesee Valley School- 1-3
Wednesday 7/8- Wellsville High School- 1:30-3:30
Thursday 7/9- Friendship Fire Hall- 9-11
Friday 7/10- Andover Fire Hall-1-3
Monday 7/13- Fillmore Fire Hall -1-3
Tuesday 7/14- Cuba VFW- 1-3
Wednesday 7/15- Belfast Fire Hall- 1-3
Thursday 7/16- Almond Community Church-1-3
Friday 7/17- Richburg Fireman’s Clubhouse-1-3
Monday 7/20- AE Crandall Hook & Ladder- Alfred- 9-11
Tuesday 7/21- Canaseraga Fire Hall- 1-3
Wednesday 7/22- Wellsville High School -1:30-3:30
Thursday 7/23- Houghton Fire Hall- 1-3
Monday 7/27- Angelica Fire Hall-9-11
Wednesday 7/29- Genesee Valley School- 1-3

For more information, contact the Office for the Aging at 268-9390
(Toll Free 1-866-268-9390)