
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Retired Belmont Police Chief on Facebook discusses "good blacks and bad, " says "90% ran, resisted"

Social media sites have had a positive impact, where subscribers want to share cute pics of pets and family photos. It has also been a clearinghouse for people to express some concerning thoughts. Gary Frisk is a Belmont village trustee and was the police chief for many, many years. He was respected, and often cited for keeping the village safe. Now, living the retired life, he has opened on social media. He has been very vocal online about the recent death of George Floyd. He is clear to say that" he did not deserve to die." However, his subsequent comments and as an elected official causes some concern. He has expressed online concerning recently about Floyd's death saying..."a golden casket and broadcast on every major network (untrue) for a man who was a violent felon and a career criminal?"

Here is the most recent comment Saturday afternoon:
He did not deserve to die, I agree, but again no one shows what happened first, I spent 35 yrs. dealing with a lot of people good Blacks and bad, point is, if respect is given, respect will be shown by the officers, this Race card has been played for 400 yrs., yes there should be some changes, also on their side about giving respect. You can't earn respect by looting, fire bombing and assaulting, they need to go about it like everyone else and go thru the process. The media and Politian’s are trying to paint all officers as racist and that is simply a bold face lie, I defy anyone who continually complains about the Police, do a ride along and see the actual facts not one-sided comments before making up their mind. Been there done that, why do you think they removed the show cops, 90% of the Blacks they arrested either ran, resisted or attempted to assault officers, they don't the public to see this. Cuomo is adding to this with all of his rhetoric against police, read Rick Whitney's open letter to him.  
We have reached out to others for comment.