
Monday, June 15, 2020

Gov. Cuomo signs legislation affirming the right to record law enforcement activity

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Sunday signed legislation (S.3253-A/A.1360) - the 'New Yorker's Right to Monitor Act' - affirming the right of an individual to record law enforcement activity and to maintain custody of that recording and any instruments used to make the recording.

"Transparency is critical to renewing the community's trust and confidence in our policing systems," Governor Cuomo said. "Stopping police abuse vindicates the overwhelming majority - 99.9 percent - of police who are there to do the right thing, and by making clear that all New Yorkers have the right to record and keep recordings of police activity we can help restore trust in the police-community relationship."
Senator Kevin Parker said, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant!  The right to record act will ensure protection for people who record misconduct by police. The senseless murder of George Floyd is a stark example of why transparency is needed. I appreciate Governor Cuomo recognizing the critical nature of this bill and signing it into law."
Assembly Member Nick Perry said, "There should be no cover, and no comfort for wrongful behavior in any police department, and as free Americans and New York citizens, we have always been informed and aware that we have the right and freedom to monitor and record acts of misconduct by bad apples in our police departments.  We are grateful for the Governor's bold and positive leadership against relentless resistance from those behind the blue wall of silence. This new law makes it clear and unquestionable that as New Yorkers we are claiming and will exercise this right to protect us from the dishonorable actors who hide behind the badge, while abusing the awesome powers we afford them as police officers."